Slash Command Context
open class SlashCommandContext(val client: SlashCommandClient, val event: SlashCommandInteractionEvent, val function: KFunction<*>) : DeferrableInteraction, InteractionContext<SlashCommandInteractionEvent> , FunctionHandler
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constructor(client: SlashCommandClient, event: SlashCommandInteractionEvent, function: KFunction<*>)
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Automatically detect if the interaction is already acknowledge and if not will acknowledge it.
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Build a ContextAction using DSL.
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Build a ContextAction using DSL.
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Reply to the event with the given embed.
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SReply to the event with the given content.
Reply to the event with the given content.
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fun replyModal(customId: String, title: String, builder: Modal.Builder.() -> Unit): ModalCallbackAction
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Send a follow-up message with the given content.